
中秋送暖活動 (僅限外籍師生) Mid-Autumn Gift bag Giveaway





1. 請透過portal系統(https://portalx.yzu.edu.tw/PortalSocialVB/FPage/PageActivityDetail.aspx?Menu=Act&ActID=12685 )預約禮袋(甜味蛋奶素)。

2. 成功預約的外籍師生,請於活動當天下午5:006:20前往7館一樓的國際交誼廳領取您的禮袋。

3. 已預約禮袋的學生可代表多位朋友領取(必須提供每位朋友的學生證照片)。未提前預約的禮袋將不可由他人領取。

4. 下午6:20後,開放未預約者領取,按先到先得的原則,直至供應完畢。\

Date: Sep 11th, 2024 (Wednesday)

Time: 5:00 to 8:00 PM

Venue: Global Lounge

By reservation - Giftbag Giveaway

1. Reservation via the portal system (https://portalx.yzu.edu.tw/PortalSocialVB/FPage/PageActivityDetail.aspx?Menu=Act&ActID=12685 ) is required to pick up the gift bag (Vegetarian, Sweet).

2. International faculty and students who successfully reserve should come to the Global Lounge on the 1st floor of Building 7 between 5:00 to 6:20 PM on the day of the event to collect your gift bag.

3. Students who have reserved a gift bag can pick it up on behalf of multiple friends (you must provide a photo of each friend’s student ID). Gift bags without prior reservation cannot be collected by others.

4. After 06:20 PM, gift bags will be available for pickup by on-site non-registered individuals on a first-come, first-served basis until supplies last, regardless of reservation status.