



 *   申請日程:

即日起自113920 ()下午5點整

請注意,部分學校(標記為Early nomination)申請截止日為11399()下午5點整

*   申請流程:


請將以下文件依順序釘好後,繳交至全球事務處(R70208)給承辦人蕭伊容小姐(Ms. Yoyo Hsiao)

1.  紙本「元智大學赴外交流學生志願表」(請附上大頭照,文件請點此(PDF)點此(Word)、點此(ODT)下載)

2.  中文歷年成績單(含排名) (請至教務處註冊組申請)

3.   英文歷年成績單 (請至教務處註冊組申請)

4.   兩年內英檢證明影本


*   赴外交換學校列表

  各赴外交流學校資訊參考連結 (建議使用電腦查閱,或是將手機切換為橫式畫面再瀏覽)

*   國際交流獎學金資訊



*   更多相關資訊請見官網:




*   1132學期(2025年春季班)國際赴外交流說明會將於113918()中午12:20-14:00舉辦,報名資訊將於後續公告。

*   本校雙聯/銜接學位計畫將邀請姊妹校來校辦理講座,敬請靜候報名通知。


*   注意事項





*   如有問題歡迎寄信詢問承辦人,敬請務必寫上主旨及個人資訊(如:赴外交換詢問-學號姓名),以免系統誤認為垃圾信件,謝謝配合。

Dear students,

Applications are now being accepted for the Student Exchange Program for Semester 1131 (Fall 2024)

 *   Schedule: Starting now until 5:00 p.m., Sep 20, 2024.

Some schools (refer to the mark as Early nomination) are due at 5:00 p.m., Sep 9, 2024.

*   Process:

A.   Complete the online application: YZU Student Exchange Program Online Application for Semester 1131 (Fall 2024)

B.   Send your Necessary Documents to Global Affairs Office (R70208) by the deadline

Necessary Documents ( Printed Copies )

1.    Application form for exchange program- YZU Outgoing Exchange Allocation Wish List (Link)

2.    Transcript with Ranking (Chinese version)

3.    Transcript (English version)

4.    English Certificate of Proficiency within two years

Documents submitted after the due date will not be accepted.

*   The session on the Student Exchange Program for semester 1132 (Spring 2025) will be held on Sep 18, 2024, from 12:20 to 14:00. Please await registration notifications.

*   School information

   List of the partner school (Please use a computer for better viewing, or rotate your phone to landscape mode.)

*   Dual Degree Program

   List of Dual Degree Programs

   The dual-degree /joint-degree program will invite partner schools to hold the info sessions in the future. Please await registration notifications.

*   Application Procedure (Link)

*   Please be reminded that,

   Exchange Students would not need to pay to the partner schools but need to pay the total tuition fee for our school.

   If you are funded by the scholarship (offered by YZU, MOE Taiwan, MOFA Taiwan, ICDF Taiwan, Elite Scholarship Program, …etc.) should not participate in exchange programs without giving up your scholarships at the semester.

   You must follow the academic office's schedule and pay your tuition fee on time or your eligibility for the exchange program will be canceled.

*   If there are any concerns from your side, please feel free to contact us.