




9/9() 10001700   地點:五館前廣場

9/9() 17001900   地點:一館二樓R1209註冊組

9/10()~9/11()10001700   地點:一館二樓R1213教室旁


1.   大學部新生學生證、碩士班新生學生證,優先由班代領取。

2.   博士班新生學生證、暑假轉學生學生證,由個人自行領取。

3.   如欲申請在學證明,請先至個人portal→免到校註冊網頁→註冊明細查詢,確定已完成繳費,應繳金額為0即是完成繳費。

4.   持悠遊卡學生證者,若有需求可將悠遊卡學生證正反兩面影印至同一面後(如下圖)蓋章。



Announcement Office of Academic Affairs

Subject: Date and Venue information regarding seal registration stamp on student card in Fall Semester, 2024.

Dear students,

The schedule for this semester for the following services: photocopying and stamping the student ID with the registration seal, applying for Chinese and English transcripts, certificates of enrollment (in both Chinese and English), and take the recognition form for undergraduate students taking graduate-level courses is as follows:

9/9 (Monday): 10:00–17:00, Location: in front of Building 5

9/9 (Monday): 17:00–19:00, Location: Registration Office, Room 1209, 2nd Floor, Building 1

9/10 (Tuesday) to 9/11 (Wednesday): 10:00–17:00, Location: Next to Classroom R1213, 2nd Floor, Building 1


If you need to apply for a enrollment certificate. Please log in the portal→ off-campus registration→ check registration detail to make sure that you have made the payment, “Payment remains 0” means that you have made it successfully.

For students with an EasyCard student ID, if needed, you can photocopy both the front and back sides of the card onto a single page (as shown in the image below) for stamping.