日期:2/14(一): 10:00~17:00 地點:五館前廣場
2/14(一): 17:00~19:00 地點:一館二樓R1209註冊組
2/15(二)~2/18(五):10:00~17:00 地點:一館二樓R1213教室旁
1. 持悠遊卡學生證者,
教務處註冊組 敬上
Office of Academic Affairs
Subject: Date and Venue information regarding seal registration stamp on student card in Spring Semester, 2022.
Dear students,
Please log in the portal→ off-campus registration→ check registration detail to make sure that you have made the payment, “Payment remains 0” means that you have made it successfully. For those who have completed the registration procedure shall have individuals’ student card sealed on Level 2, Building 5, Feb. 14th AM10:00~PM5:00 , Building 1, R1209 Classroom Feb. 14th PM5:00~PM7:00 , and Building 1, R1213 Classroom ,Feb. 15th ~Feb. 18th AM10:00~PM5:00
Best regards,
Registration Section
Office of Academic Affairs