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元智大學生物技術與工程研究所 | 1101學期期末學習問卷即將開跑!填答時間110/12/27~111/01/09,請記得填答喔!






有了您的建議,學習問卷不但可以讓老師了解教學情形, 也能讓教學優秀的老師得到正向的鼓勵, 所以您填寫的每份問卷對整體教學提升非常重要, 敬請詳實填寫並請勿發表攻擊性或非屬事實的言論~


填答時間 110/12/27(一)~111/01/09(日)


★ 填完每次所有課程之學習問卷,即有機會獲得1111優先選課權喔!!


1. 選課優選名額:

* 修課人數上限為35人(含)以下之選修課程,保留5個名額;

* 修課人數上限為36~70人之選修課程,保留10個名額;

* 修課人數上限為71人(含)以上之選修課程,保留15個名額給填 完所有網路問卷的學生優先選課

2. 以上說明僅限【選修】課程。



教務處 教學服務組 敬啟

Dear students,

The University is going to launch an online survey activity on Dec 27. Your participation in this survey activity will help your instructors with not only mastering your learning progress but also delivering lectures with high quality. Students who enroll in the English camp courses and PE courses will be also required to participate in the online survey activity during the final period of a term.

Full details of this activity are revealed as follows:

ØActivity Period: Dec. 27, 2021 ~ Jan. 09, 2022

ØHow to enter the questionnaires webpage:

Step 1: Log into Portal

Step 2: Click “New Questionnaire” to enter the questionnaire webpage

Step 3: Click “My Course Questionnaire” to enter the course questionnaire webpage

ØStudents who complete end-of-first semester and beginning-of-second semester questionnaires for 2021 school year will have a chance to receive a priority enrollment appointment as described below. 

ØPriority Enrollment policy: quotas set for priority enrollment

- For the class with a maximum number of 35 students, the quota on priority enrollment is 5.

- For the class with students between 36 and 70, the quota on priority enrollment is 10.

- For the class with a maximum number of 71 students, the quota on priority enrollment is 15.

The above policy is merely applied to elective courses and students who complete all online questionnaires.

Meanwhile, your personal information is kept private.

Thank you for your participation.

Teaching Services Section Office of Academic Affairs

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